Plataforma: PS2
Servidores: MediaFire | Mega
Nome: Guitar Hero III Queen
Nível de Jogabilidade: 10
Formato: ISO
Tamanho: 1,08 GB (8 Partes)

Set List:
Keep Yourself Alive
Doing All Right
Great King Rat
My Fairy King
Encore: Killer Queen
Coop Encore: The Night Comes Down
Modern Times Rock & Roll
Son & Daughter
Seven Seas Of Rhye
Encore:Stone Cold Crazy
Coop Encore: Procession
Father To Son
White Queen (As It Began)
Some Day One Day
The Loser In The End
Encore:We Will Rock You
Coop Encore:Ogre Battle
The Fairy Fellers Master Stroke
The March Of The Black Queen
Funny How Love Is
Seven Seas Of Rhye
Encore: We Are The Champions
Coop Encore:Brighton Rock
Mateus Bernardi - 12 de setembro de 2011 - denunciar abuso
Tenement Funster
Flick Of The Wrist
Lily Of The Valley
Now I'm Here
Encore:Bohemian Rhapsody
Coop Encore:In The Lap of The Gods
Bring Back That Leroy Brown
She Makes Me (Stormtrooper In Stilettos)
In The Lap Of The Gods...Revisited
Encore: God Save The Queen
Coop Encore: Death of Two Legs
Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon
I'm In Love With My Car
You're My Best Friend
Encore: Somebody To Love
Dragon Attack
Another One Bites The Dust
Need Your Loving Tonight
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Bonus Songs:
Save Me
Radio Ga Ga
Hammer To Fall
One Vision
I Want it All
The Miracle
In Mydefence - Freddie Mercury
Love Kills - Freddie Mercury
Mr. Bad Guys - Freddie Mercury
My Love is Dangerous - Freddie Mercury
A Nation of Haircuts - Roger Taylor
Reveletions - Roger Taylor
No More Fun - Roger Taylor
Dear Mr. Murdoch - Roger Taylor
Back To The Light - Brian May
Resurrection - Brian May
Driven By You - Brian May
Last Horizon - Brian May
I Can't Live With You
It's A Hard Life
Coming Soon
Play The Game
Love of My Life
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ResponderExcluirarruma os links no media fire fazendo favor
ResponderExcluiresse Guitar hero não funciona, quando vc vai jogar ele já pula pro you rock.
ResponderExcluirOi dono do blog! Queria ajuda pois quando vc vai jogar ele já pula pro you rock e so consigo jogar as batalhas de rock contra o slash e compania se puder me dizer oq fazer agradeço pois sou muito fã de queen e so achei este mod para ps2 sucesso!
ResponderExcluirJá tentaram jogar no expert??
ResponderExcluirTentei sim! Deu o mesmo, infelizmente!
ExcluirComo baixar
Você é o criador do jogo? Se não, sabe quem é?
ResponderExcluirno meu deu tela branca como resolvo?
ResponderExcluirTienes que formatear el usb/pendrive instalas el juego y ya podes jugar tranquilo pero si no sirve no se
ExcluirNi bien empieza la musica dice "You rock!" y termina, ademas de que el publico se ve pixeleado
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